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I don't use a pump or air tank🎈However, I have used kitchen spices to inflate🏀Mo...
I eat a pot of oatmeal, drink a bottle of "Fanta" and inflate with my lamp pump ...
Belly chain
I'm inflation myself with air tank and... training 🎈🎈💥
Overeating Epilogue
My old video🎈🎈 I inflate my intestines and stomach causing loud burps, and play ...
I jump on my full stomach after its inflation😤😤 I want to rise higher🎈🎈 More -- ...
I am testing my stomach tube and also using a helium tank for rapid inflation🎈🎈 ...
I play with my huge drum on OF💥Bubbling, burping, and also high pressure, which ...
My gastric inflation with a big car pump and bondage games on my OF🎈 I need more...
Lots of pumping and burping😤I'm trying to create maximum pressure in my gastric🎈...
I replaced the helium in the tank with air and I'm bloated up so much😤 More -- o...
Bloating and belly rubs
Eating fish and tortilla with subtitle comments
Como en los vaqueros con el cinturón #barriga #comer
Сuando tus vaqueros son demasiado ajustados